A timely reminder to keep ahead of maintenance, particularly in curbing the growth of trees. Is this just another example of urban growth ... or could it be ... overwatering, overindulgence or whatever?

Job well done Craig! Any arborist would be suitably impressed, but more to the point ... has gardening grown on you. After all, I thought you hated it. Previously, an unnecessary chore tackled under duress.😊

Grapes coming along well. The birds will have to get up early to get this lot ... Oh, that's right ... they do! Two varieties growing over the pergola. One black, the other green.

The passionfruit seems happy enough in its new position. Nice and handy to the kitchen ... if it gets there. So easy to wander about picking this and that along the way.

Ballarat cooking apple is laden with fruit. Other varieties in the garden include Braeburn, Golden Delicious, Royal Gala, and Splendour. One of the trees holds three varieties which is just as well considering this is a fairly small section, but I could probably do with a paddock.

Pear espalier has just two speeds. In fact, it outpaced me and took off vertically like some wild adolescent anxious to let all and sundry know of his souped-up car. Before I woke up to it, the thing towered over me like an out of control triffid. Two varieties, Seckel and Doyenne du Comice. Yum

Firewood dried and housed under cover. Crazy talking about it at this time of the year I guess, but soon enough the temperature will drop and winter will be upon us yet again. I didn't get around to taking snaps of the blueberries and strawberries growing in tubs nearby. One reason being the fact that I have not had any success with strawberries, fair to say, they simply don't understand me. They sulk!

Dublin Bay deserves a place in any garden. Don't be fooled by her glamorous looks. She is reliable and non-demanding. She's no prima donna!

Wandered inside reluctantly and prepared lunch. Quickly threw an Apple Shortcake together, but missed the mark in assembling the lattice top. Oh, Blow it! Tastes good though.😊


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